Monday 23 January 2017

Senate confirms Pompeo as CIA chief amid questions over torture, spying views Erin Kelly , USA TODAY P

WASHINGTON — The Senate voted Monday to confirm Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo of Kansas as CIA director despite critics’ concerns that he has offered conflicting statements about whether he would expand government surveillance of Americans and bring back harsh interrogation techniques banned by President Obama.

Senators voted 66-32 to approve Pompeo, who is giving up his congressional seat to lead the agency.

His confirmation completes President Trump's national security team. Defense Secretary James Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly were confirmed Friday.

"Mike Pompeo is somebody who can contribute in a significant way to the security of the American people, the security of this country," said Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Dedicated Server Norway

But Pompeo's critics said he has given mixed signals on both torture and government surveillance.

"Rep. Pompeo showed he’s perfectly comfortable saying one thing on Monday, and the opposite on Tuesday," said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., a member of the Intelligence Committee and a leading privacy advocate. "But his record reveals extreme positions, including enthusiasm for sweeping new surveillance programs targeting Americans and an openness to sending our country backward with regard to torture."


Sunday 22 January 2017

President Donald Trump will make history

Donald Trump is guaranteed to make history as the 45th president of the United States.

And whether you love or loathe him, it's a fact that the Republican will set a range of records as soon as he occupies the Oval Office. Dedicated Server Hosting South Korea

From his age to his bank balance, via his notable lack of pets - here are just some of "The Donald's" historic "firsts".
1. Oldest incoming president

Donald Trump celebrated his 70th birthday on 14 June, which makes him the oldest man in US history to assume the presidency. The previous record-holder, Ronald Reagan, was 69 when he took office in 1981.

Perhaps keen to allay fears about his senior status, the business mogul had his doctor prepare a gushing letter pledging that he would be "the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency".


Thursday 19 January 2017

The White House went ghost on Obama’s last night. Here’s what it looked like.

The lights didn't quite go out at the White House on Thursday night, but the compound at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. took on a ghostly quality as most of President Obama's staff moved out. Desks were emptied. Iconic photographs of Obama came off the walls. Handwritten notes were left for the Obama aides' successors.
And a Marine guard left his post outside the West Wing at around 6 p.m., signaling that the president had left the Oval Office for the final evening. Just before he did, fireworks celebrating a concert for President-elect Donald Trump exploded in the sky, just visible above the Old Executive Office Building next to the White House. Amaze

Tuesday 17 January 2017

The Roots of Trump's Trade Rage

For more than three decades, Donald Trump has made it clear that, if ever elected president, he would turn U.S. trade policy in a radically different direction. And he himself would be at the helm. “What I would do if elected president would be to appoint myself U.S. Trade Representative,” he wrote in his 2000 book The America We Deserve, when he was considering a run for president on the Reform Party ticket. “My lawyers have checked, and the president has this authority. I would take personal charge of negotiations…. Our trading partners would have to sit across the table from Donald Trump and I guarantee you the rip-off of the United States would end.”

Now, against all odds, Trump is about to become the president of the United States, and he has the extraordinary opportunity to upend an elite consensus that has shaped America’s global strategy since the second World War. Dedicated Server Hosting USA

Trump has completed the triumvirate of appointments that will make up his team on U.S. trade policy, adding Washington trade lawyer Robert Lighthizer as U.S. trade representative to billionaire fund manager Wilbur Ross for commerce secretary and China hawk Peter Navarro as the head of the new White House National Trade Council. Corporate lobbyists and foreign envoys are busy scouring the writings and records of each to try to judge what it means for the future direction of U.S. trade policy.

They shouldn’t have to look too hard: Trump was elected for many reasons, but growing frustration over the negative impacts of trade played a big part. He won the election in the manufacturing states hardest hit by import competition, including Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And he won the highest percentage of union voters of any Republican president since Ronald Reagan in 1984. Since his election, union leaders have tried to cozy up. AFL-CIO leader Richard Trumka, who visited Trump Tower last week, recently said he would support Trump’s calls for renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Mexico and Canada, among other trade deals. “Entire communities have lost their purpose and identity, and we have to fix that,” he said. “Working people are looking for a new way forward on trade.”


Friday 6 January 2017

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Source:- Spaceedgetechnology

Thursday 5 January 2017

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Source:- Spaceedgetechnology

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