Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Trump's order on abortion policy: What does it mean?

A group of men standing around a desk: it is not the typical image that goes viral online.

The photograph in question was taken on US President Donald Trump's first day in the Oval Office on Monday, when he signed a ban on federal money going to international groups that perform or provide information on abortions.

"Men making decisions about women's bodies" was a much-repeated phrase on Twitter, as it was shared hundreds of thousands of times, including by author JK Rowling.

The concern over lack of women at the table comes as Mr Trump's cabinet attracts attention for the high proportion of white, male nominations.

And while some people welcomed the move on abortion, others on social media expressed alarm and confusion over what its impact could be.

Viral images and headlines do not always tell the whole story. So here is an at-a-glance look at what President Trump's executive order means.

Is this a step towards banning abortion in the US?

Not in itself. This particular executive order is relevant outside of US borders.

The policy requires non-governmental organisations receiving federal funding to agree to "neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations".

This particularly worries women's rights campaigners in developing countries, where funds or facilities are already limited. Dedicated Server Colombia
